I’m back from vacation and Page 117 is up!
Welcome to Crows! The comic starts here, so feel free to dive right in!
You can use the arrow keys to navigate the comic.
Welcome to Crows! The comic starts here, so feel free to dive right in!
You can use the arrow keys to navigate the comic.
I’m back from vacation and Page 117 is up!
I’m on vacation this week, so no page this Saturday!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Page 116 is up!
Late: I had an absolute panic attack when I thought I lost 25+ pages of my comic file all because my syncing program decided to unanimously delete them when I was working on my mobile wacom (usually I do it all on deskstop). Thus the file couldn’t load and I couldn’t finish this page. PANIC!! But I figured it out PHEW!